Vi tog katten till veterinären. Han verkade hängig och hade sår i ljumsken. Operation blev det. Nu går den stolte fågeljägaren med tratt på huvudet och är hängig. En dränering vid ögat och en i ljumsken. Små minislangar sticker ut. Han ska vara inne i 10 dagar. Då kommer ett Nyhetsbrev om Fettfällan. Kolla vår länk Flödesrenaren, så får Du se vad bra det kan bli när tekniken bryter igenom. Lunken – en av de bästa miljöbloggarna – har lagt en länk hit. Kolla Lunkens blogg bland våra länkar i höger kolumn. Läs mer om Flödesrenaren på engelska
Jag ger Er Fettfällans Nyhetsbrev oredigerat. Jag hinner bara inte översätta före dagens resa till östgötarnas heliga berg Omberg. Hoppas Du ursäktar.
Todays news is about the future for Aerosoltrap project. It’s bright…. Nature can’t be wrong
AstraZeneca AB has always interests in new technology; they find the Aerosoltrap a very interesting technology. Inkubera is the regional incubator working closely together with Örebro University. AstraZeneca and Inkubera have initiated a pre-study of the Aerosoltrap, to find out if it’s possible to save costs in production of drug pill. Large amount of medical substance are captured in filter banks, and above that they have costs for depose of those filters and medical substance. Funding is a 50% equal share by AstraZeneca and the Örebro Regional Development Council for the R&D.
The study started officially September 18, 2008 and made by Associate professor PhD Tord Larsson and PhD Henrik Överstam in Örebro University at the brand new Campus Alfred Nobel in Karlskoga Sweden. The study is made by simulations of known criteria in computer aid by CFD software (Computational Fluid Dynamics). A positive result will make an up scale of the Aerosoltrap and be a very efficient cost reducer at the sites of manufacture.
Next month November…
Is the next pre-study project of Aerosoltrap coming up in Norway. Matti Huthakangas the owner of MH Engineering as I earlier described in my web diary, bought an Exclusive Option of tree business areas in Europe they have interests in. MH Engineering has together with ALMI Företagspartner AB and NUTEK in Sweden found out that Sintef in Norway is the best R&D organization to find out if this Technology of Aerosoltrap is useful in On Offshore. Funding is a 50% equal share by MH Engineering and NUTEK.
In a meeting October 1, 2008 at Sintef Department of Materials and Chemistry Trondheim, they found this project interesting, Aerosoltrap has potential to solve many difficult processes. R&D news will come later on, in this matter.
Conny Norman Inventor +46 19 330700 +46 739 330794 Aerosoltrap™
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