Kan man träffa mera rätt? 2009 är det Europeiska året för Kreativitet och Innovation. Kolla vår länk EU-året Kreativitet och Innovation. Du hittar den i kategorin POLICIES OCH FINANSIERING FRÅN EU en bit ner i höger kolumn. Allt med EU är ju politik. Så vi firar med en rätt kort video där Josè Manuel Barroso talar allvar med härlig accent. Jag älskar EuroEnglish!

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Året inleddes med en ministerkonferens hos ordförandelandet i Prag den 6-7 januari. Koordinator för det svenska arbetet är Internationella Programkontoret. Programkontorets koordination leds av Peder Sandahl.

Vi kommer att följa det Europeiska året för Kreativitet och Innovation. Om Du vill hänga med så klicka på RSS längst upp och sedan kategorin EU-stöd, där vi kommer att lägga alla inlägg om EU-året. I Bryssel har redan en konferens hållits februari 16. ”Boosting Europe’s knowledge economy” was the topic of the first Brussels debate of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009. (februari 16) Klicka här för mer information om EU-året och om konferensen.

The aim of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009 is to promote creative and innovative approaches in different sectors of human activity, so as to better equip the European Union for the challenges ahead in a globalised world.

The European Commission, together with the European Policy Centre (EPC), will host six thematic “Brussels Debates” throughout the 2009 European Year. The series of Brussels Debates provides a platform for reflection and exchange of ideas and contribute to policy discussion on creativity and innovation. The subsequent debate, dedicated to education for creativity and innovation, will take place on 30 March. It will focus on the knowledge society and on how Europe’s creative potential can be channelled towards finding innovative solutions, products and services that can foster economic growth. A special focus will be placed on the nascent European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT).

The debate 16th of february brought on stage speakers from very diverse backgrounds, from politics to policy-making, from the business world to academics. They supported the idea that in the context of the global crisis, Europe has no alternative but to go into a ”can do mode”, bringing to the fore its creative and innovative potential.

It was much focused on the current crisis and on solutions that can be found to it. Creativity and innovation have been selected as topics for the European Year 2009 long before the start of the crisis. If the Year can be seen as a natural step of a long European process that started with the Lisbon strategy, its timing is somehow visionary. Crisis is also a tremendous opportunity for change on all societal levels, from the financial world to the personal level, from schools to labour policies.

Jan Figel’, European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth reminded that creativity and innovation are the roots of European integration. ”Let us not forget that the European Union is the biggest geo-political invention of the last 200 years” …… The key message of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation is that every person has got a talent, that should be nurtured for the well-being of the individual and of the society.

The chairman of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT), Martin Schuurmans, presented the ambition of the Institute to become a key driver of sustainable economic growth and competitiveness across Europe, through stimulating world-leading innovation. The EIT will capitalize on existing European innovation potential, creating a new way of working between research, education and business. ”Cross- fertilization and co-funding with other EU programmes is welcome”, said Schuurmans. He insisted that Europe needs to look inside to discover and appreciate its own potential, but also outside, to the emerging economies from which there are many lessons to be drawn.

EU countries are failing to meet targets set by the Lisbon Agenda, said Reino Paasilinna (finsk EU-parlamenatriker( MEP (PES, FI). “Countries are not investing in innovation so the scene is very grim. The recovery plans talk about energy and infrastructure but where is innovation?” He added that investors avoid the risks involved in backing young researchers, preferring instead to fund established companies. “We need more money for innovation or there will be no new ideas.”

Maria João Rodrigues, Professor of Economics, University of Lisbon, said the EIT, the Bologna Process, and the adoption of the European Agenda Culture were part of Europe’s efforts to redirect its policies towards a knowledge-based economy. But ”the knowledge society is much broader than the information society”, she underlined, ”as it is focused on people, on their culture”. Behind innovation, we find the creativity of the people. The European Year of Creativity and Innovation is a natural step in a long process that began in Lisbon, she added, and comes at a time when creativity is more important than ever. “We need creativity in changing our patterns of production and consumption, in finding new markets and creating new jobs We need creativity in science, technology, culture and politics.”

Coming from the business side, Jan Muehlfeit, Chairman Europe, Microsoft Corporation, reminded that this is the first time in history that the younger generation understands technology better than older people and that computers are now beating humans at chess. He said future advances depended on “right brained” creative development. “This is a key element in education. Our education system is based too much on memorizing. The root cause of Europe’s risk-averse nature can be found in schools.”

Which economic model is best to stimulate creativity and innovation: liberalism or controlled economy? A middle way, replied Professor Lundvall, from the Aalborg University, Denmark. He insisted that the European countries that apply flexicurity to their labour markets are the ones where the proportion of creative workers is the highest. Lifelong learning strategies applied in academic and vocational training are also a positive factor of influence in stimulating people to do creative work.